
Welcome to Hannover’s Catholic University Community!

»because you are there!«

We are an open center for students and university members of all disciplines and nationalities. Our German name is Katholische HochschulGemeinde Hannover, short: KHG (that means: Roman Catholic University Community).

  • The KHG Hannover organises a whole range of spiritual and social events for both undergraduate and postgraduate students including a Meet&Eat meal after Sunday Mass. Our 7.15 pm Sunday Mass is attended mainly by students and is celebrated in German in the St. Clement’s Basilica.
  • Each week hosts a thematic event on Wednesday, from Taizé prayer to hike, retreat, music jam, lectures, baking Advent cookies, workshop, and cultural evening. For a broader overview, just have a look to our semester’s program
  • You are a singer? Than our Choir is the right place for you!
  • Are you looking for spiritual guidance or someone to talk to? Or are you looking for a scholarship at Cusanuswerk or KAAD? Contact us!

Nevertheless isn’t the KHG just about offers, it is also a do-it-yourself. Just feel free to come as you are, with your ideas and questions. KHG means: being welcome without conditions. Visit us, meet nice people. Let's find a hopeful way into the future together! »because you are there!«

In short: Always on Sundays: Sunday Mass. Always on Wednesdays: Thematic evening.

We hope to see you soon at the KHG!